Sunday 24 May 2015

Baby blanket: progress report

I have been a very good crocheter since starting this blog last week.  It feels like if I slack off EVERYONE WILL KNOW.  This is a very Good Thing, as it means I am cracking along with my next projects.  I mentioned a few days ago that I want to do baby blankets for a couple of new babies plus one for my own (seems only reasonable!)  So, here is photographic evidence of more car crochet.  Car crochet seems to be a running theme - perhaps I should just hang out in the car in the evenings to be super productive!  Or perhaps more likely it's because the baby sleeps in the car....

I was choosing lots of different colours for the third round of some granny squares.  Turns out it's pretty difficult to do a colour change heavy project when you can't really see what colours you have all laid out in front of you (perhaps I have a very poor colour memory? Can any of you do this by memory?) Perhaps I should do myself a card thing with samples of yarn on it so I have an easy reference system, so don't  have to lay out my one billion balls of yarn every time I do a little bit of colourwork? Now that would be impressively organised.  The next step would be grown up meal planning (not on the back of envelopes) or routine cleaning rota and this simply would not do.  My lovely husband wouldn't know who I was.

A growing pile of granny squares is a very pleasing thing.  I'm afraid I'm one of those people who constantly lays out their work to see progress.  I have a sneaking suspicion that this more hinders progress than inspires it but it's one of my favourite things to do especially when you're near the end of a project and you can see it all really coming together.

Although I didn't really plan it I think there seems to be a bit of a bluey-greeny and reddy-orangey colour scheme emerging...

I the next lot of squares I might try a bit more inter-pollination between colours, the squares are all looking a little coordinating to themselves.  I really love making stuff that looks like it should clash but kind of works by the sheer weight of different colours and textures. A bit like the granny blanket I made last year to use up all the odds and ends of random bits of wool picked up from Ebay and charity shops that looks like vomit close up...

 but move back slightly ... and ta-dah!

Chaos theory in action?

Aha! the progress laying-out photo

I think that the baby blanket should be about  the right size at 6 squares by 7 squares, with the squares having 4 rounds of colour.  You can see here that I've laid out each length so I can see how much I have left to do ie.) quite a lot.  However! Granny squares work up beautifully quickly so it shouldn't take long.  These kind of projects always move along fairly snappily I find, it's the fiddly-fiddly counting-stitches pattern-following projects that take me fooooorrrreeeevvveeeerrrrr.  I made a rather cute little hooded cardigan for my little one when I was pregnant and Oh My Gosh it took SO LONG.  I think some people are good at following patterns and some people aren't, and unfortunately I am very much firmly in the latter group.  I just get a bit bored then distracted then find I have done a whole section totally wrong which then needs unravelling which is really quite disheartening.  Ugh. I'm much more in the school of 'how's it looking...ooh a bit tight, I'll pop a few more stitches in'.  Perhaps this explains my love of granny squares...

Well, I hope with the next progress report I shall be showing you a nearly done baby blanket!  Have a lovely bank holiday weekend everyone


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