Wednesday 20 May 2015

The tangerine toolbox begins!

Good morning everyone! Today is super exciting for today is the day I have FINALLY 

wait for it...



hurrrraaaayyyy!! Now, I am well aware that this is all very 2007 for most people, (who may well have eight blogs on the go at the same time plus instagram plus twitter plus facetube et cetera) but I am a resolute technophobe and this represents a bit of a jump into the scary internet abyss of People Who Actually Write Things For The Interweb.  So yay! (incidentally, I wasn't lying about being a technophobe, I got my first smartphone (secondhand from my husband) about 2 months ago, and I really miss my brick Nokia that still had the 'snake' game, and not ironically.  And embarrassingly I am only 29. hm.)

SO, the reason I have finally jumped into the flowing stream of internetty happiness is that I am a teeny tiny bit of a crochetty crafty blog addict.  I love love love them. And I have been taking pictures of various projects, bits I've been doing up for my house, pretty walks/flowers/bits of my market town for a little while thinking 'one day I'll start a blog and have a crochetty crafty blog all of my very own'.  Then a few days ago I was sorting out my pictures and I realized that I had been doing this for over three years.  THREE YEARS. Ridiculous. So here it is! Yay!

                          (happy blogging flowers)

So I'll (hopefully) be telling you all about my crafty projects, my lovely yet borderline unhinged labradoodle, the adventures of doing up a lovely yet a tad unloved house on a bit of a shoestring budget, in the lovely lovey Tavistock (my adopted home in Devon, on the edge of Dartmoor), doing up furniture and my super chubby baby.  She is SO chubby. She has fat folds on her forearms (how?!?! and how am I not a size 8 making a whole other human that fat?!?! urgh.)

So I leave you as I mean to go on, with a slightly out of context picture of pretty crochetty things:

Happy Wednesday Everyone

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