Thursday 28 May 2015

Chocolate shortbread, wildflowers and needlepoint tablecloths

It's been a nice couple of days here in the tangerine toolbox household.  We spent the weekend with baby and pre-baby friends which was lovely.  Although babydom is marvelous is many ways (dribbly baby kisses are my current favorite) sometimes it's good to be reminded that there was a time before mummyhood, when I used to do very little in the afternoons but crochet and watch films (I worked a lot of nights, so this wasn't really that lazy), drink wine and wear pretty bras without clips. Sigh.  I really miss non nursing bras. I even feel a little bit nostalgic looking at the picture of my first cuddle with baby partially for the correct reason of meeting my daughter, but also because it was the last time I wore a pretty bra. Thing is though, breastfeeding has turned out to be the mother of all excuses (haha! pun intended!) to have a bit of a baby cuddle, sit down and a bunch of extra cake and the months seem to be flying past like particularly determined seagulls at chips, so it's not all bad :)

The little cheeky face is worth it all

On the note of pretty stuff, do you remember the post where I found a lovely shabby chic charity shop in Plymouth? Well, I found a fab needlepoint tablecloth. Oh my, it's so pretty. I read a really inspiring book a little while ago called Granny Chic which had loads of ideas about using  using these old fashioned needlepoint linens for new purposes, such as making them into aprons or kitchen organisers or for decorating bags. I think there might be a bit of a granny related theme emerging regarding my taste in soft furnishings... Ever since I have had a bit of a magpie obsession with them dreaming up all the lovely things I could make. This tablecloth though....aaah, it's just too darn pretty to cut up. I'll admit I'm not a terribly brave crafter when it comes to sewing and I feel a bit nervous cutting up stuff that is already beautiful. And I really do need a tablecloth. No, really.

It has four of these big motifs, one in each corner

Just look at that detail! Proper old style needlework.  It's just fab.  I think I'm too impatient to be able to do fine work like this.  I prefer making big colourful, chunky practical stuff.  Probably a reflection of character...

So pretty!! I love this sweet little seven petal daisy.  These little ones are scatted all over the edges..

I might have a little think about what I could make.  Perhaps cutting out the little flowers singly and applique-ing onto a a knitting needles/crochet hook case made with a pastelly-flowery cotton? maybe making a nice big apron with a beautifully embroidered pocket on the skirt? Or maybe an impossibly nice hanging nursery tidy with the embroidered corners as the pockets on a pale pistachio green background, like the flowers are on a field of green.  Actually, that would go quite well with baby girl's nursery.  We've done a very pale blue on the top half of the walls with a soft green bottom with a rolling border to look like hills. It sounds horrendous but is actually quite sweet looking.  The idea is that we'll get visiting family and friends to add a little painting of their own, like putting trees and flowers on the hills (my husband wants to paint a 1980 Volvo 240 and a car rally in the corner which I can assure you is DEFINITELY NOT HAPPENING.  I will compromise to a little mini or beetle but no car rallies.  Honestly.) It's not quite finished yet, but I'll do a little nursery tour once it's ship shape.

Now we've been (trying) to eat healthily recently as I have got into the rather embarrassing position on being in less good shape than when I had just given birth (shame! shaaaammee!!!)  We have had many many many vegetables and lots and lots of salads and countless fruits but frankly, I am a Sugar Addict and cold turkey is not just impossible but dangerous. Look at alcohol and drugs. Exactly.  So in the spirit of my personal health and safety I decided to make chocolate shortbread.   When you haven't eaten sugar for a while oh my GOODNESS is it good. I can't imagine any actual real life drug could feel any better.

I used high cocoa dark chocolate and gluten free flour so it was practically a health food.  I find they're a bit more crumbly with the gluten free stuff, but if you don't try and roll it out and just tip the crumbly mixture in and press it down seems to work pretty well. 

Biscuits, pretty pottery and crochet: what more could you wish for?

Baby blanket squares all tied up and organised for the journey home from our weekend away.  Unfortunately, the dog decided to spend the whole journey trying to rest his head on my right arm and sit on my crochet (left him at the in-laws for the weekend, seemed to be needing all the cuddles) so I eventually gave up after totally messing up about 8 times, so after a fab weekend of progress baby blanket has been going a at much more 'relaxed' pace.... about halfway now, so will be getting photos up soon. I hope you can enjoy this late spring sunshine in the next few days :) Speak soon crafty people!


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