Monday 25 May 2015

Crochet Progress!!


I hope you have enjoyed the lovely bank holiday weekend, how brilliant actually having sunshine for it! I normally work shifts which take no account of whether it is day or night or weekend or bank holiday, and I can confirm as an impartial observer of bank holiday weather (as I am generally at work) that it is indeed always totally rubbish.  So hurrah for sun! Hurrah!

I have had a lovely time this weekend being sat on my bum doing lots and lots of happy, easy colourful crochet.  It's the first time since the bambino popped out that I've had that oooh-I'm-really-making-progress feeling and it's wonderful.  Each little milestone inspires you to carry on and you get that addictive oh, just one more square, just one more row and before you know it, it's three in the morning and there is an unadulterated masterpiece sat in front of you.  Or a slightly wonky tea cosy.  But either way it's the sense of achievement I love, the 'I made that!' pride. I think this is common to all crafters, why you can chat with a patchworker or embroiderer or furniture unholsterer about their craft and there's this unspoken understanding and enthusiasm for making beautiful, cheerful, happy bits and bobs that make home feel a bit more homely. When baby was still teeny tiny with a record unbroken sleeping record of approximately 29 minutes I tried making a hat - normally a fairly achievable project: I have been known to make one of this pattern in an afternoon  - and 3 months later it STILL wasn't done.  I got totally fed up with doing all the little single crochet stitches about 8 at a time and put it away in a bit of a humph.  But the other day I re-found it at the bottom of my yarn bag, and finished it during one film (does anyone else measure projects in films? As in 'that one took about three films'?) and I feel like I've finally got my post-baby crochet mojo back.  Which sounds silly but it's the little things that make you feel like you and enjoying your hobby again is such a joy.

Anyhoo enough philosophising and more pictures of the FINISHED BABY BLANKET SQUARES!!
Oh yes! (I told you there may have been a lot of bottom sitting and late nights...)

Ta Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!

Cue many many happy minutes of arranging and rearranging to seek out the most pleasing layout.  I think this may be the best bit of crochet projects, I really do. Like you've done all the hard work and then get to look at how much you've done and decide the fun bits about what goes with what. So I have the three best contenders for your delectation (cue X factor choosing music):

The Diagonal Stripe Blanket

With stripes going downwards from top left to bottom right with green in the centre, then red, blues, pinks going upwards and blues, yellows, reds and greeny/purples going downwards...

The Colour Blocking Blanket, or As Much As You Can Colour  Block Entirely Un-Colour-Blocked Blocks Blanket (I prefer the latter name)

Hot colours top right melding into cool colours bottom right

Or Finally, the Alternating Hot and Cool Colours Blanket

(Although I did run out of hot squares by the end, so purple graduated to being a hot colour halfway through...)

Any thoughts? I think I'm leaning towards the last one due to my colour-anarchy tendencies (or to be less self congratulatory, my tendency to lack the ability to make anything that could be in any way be considered 'tasteful'.  I mean muted browns. Ugh, It's beige! Call it beige.)

So answers on a postcard.  Or in the comments.  Or not at all and I will blind you with my fabulous colour choices next time!

Finally, here is a picture of my dog enjoying the BIGGEST BONE EVER MADE BY A THING. Given to me by the local butcher (for freeeee! I know!) I did get a little concerned that there may be trace elements of dinosaur in those amazing tasty sausages.  He was such a happy dog.  He was so well behaved he tried to give me both paws at the same time at faceplanted in the gravel. Bless him.

Happy monday evening all

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