Saturday 30 May 2015

Weekend outdooring

Good afternoon one and all! We have been having some long overdue outdoorsy time in the toolbox household.  We went to see the last of the bluebells in Cann Woods which were really quite lovely.  It reminds me of the beginning of the first Lord of The Rings films where you see Frodo reading sat amongst bluebells.  I think they really do have that mystical magical quality - you can see why people always paint fairies sitting on bluebells.  It's not just that they're pretty - there's almost a luminescence to them, and I love that you can that unbroken blue haze from some angles but no from others

See? You can see the layer of flowers in the meadow above...

My mental labradoodle who cannot be trusted off his recall lead.  Totally brilliant and obedient 95% of the time, an utter and complete turdmonkey for the rest. He gets into this massively overexcited hyper state (a bit like that cartoon Tasmanian devil) and runs around us, other dogs, sheep, children, bins, big sticks, shadows, bits of interesting grass etc barking and trying to make them play.  And he's impossible to catch.  He once ran away for 2 miles over Dartmoor in this state before coming back with that big soppy happy-dog grin whilst husband and I had gone a bit frantic calling him and getting (justifiably) bollocked by a local farmer.  So we had our revenge by never letting him off the lead, and getting VERY STRICT about recall, although he's still not perfect...we're putting lots of effort training him and he is improving but he's at that awkward 18 month stage.  And also a doodle, which from my observation of other doodles includes being certifiably nuts.

Pretty woods!

We hacked our jungle garden back today as well. Oh my. It really teaches you not to leave the garden for nigh on eighteen months before doing any gardening when you have to cut down whole saplings that have mistaken your garden for an area of unspoilt woodland doesn't it? We also have a long rambly hedge which was waaaay overdue a trim.  It's made up of privet bushes, some random shrubs, a buddleia, brambles, a couple of fir trees, a jasmine bush, a full on unidentified tree and a rose bush and is, as you can probably imagine, a bit of a nightmare to cut. Behold the pile of hedgey doom:

It is probably becoming obvious that I'm a well-intentioned gardener but somewhat lacking in any ability to garden whatsoever.  I love the idea of it and frequently get herbs and veggies to grow but unfortunately seem to have a habit of killing things...

Just planted my poor mint plant after a year in a pot, and now it has leaves!! Real leaves!!

Rhubarb that was ignored in a weeny pot for a while. I planted it out recently, but it seemsto have developed a hole in the remaining leaf.  Oops.

Seed potatoes with shoots! Growing success!! Hurrah! There are also some lovely poppies which have just started to burst open.  I love how unashamedly bright they are.  These ones are huge as well.  We have some sweet little yellow poppies that have self seeded everywhere too.

Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! A teeny snail!

He looks like he's going off in a huff doesn't he?

And finally my daughter overseeing proceedings during her afternoon nap. I can't get enough of her squidgy cheeks. Naaw.

That's all for now! More crafty stuff next time...

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